Impro­ving the per­for­mance pro­per­ties of elas­to­me­ric parts

Sui­ta­ble aftertre­at­ments can ren­der pre­cisi­on O‑rings and X‑rings sui­ta­ble for spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments.

Typi­cal requi­re­ments are low fric­tion, easier instal­la­ti­on (auto­ma­tic or manu­al), lifel­ong lub­ri­ca­ti­on, smooth run­ning and non­stick effect.

Coa­ting is a pro­cess fre­quent­ly used for sur­face tre­at­ment. The IDG app­li­ca­ti­on con­sul­tants are avail­ab­le to dis­cuss spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments with you.

IDG mate­ri­als for sur­face coa­ting to redu­ce fric­tion

Limi­ted in the case of sili­co­ne

Manoy­Coat® coated O‑rings offer spe­cial assem­bly and dis­as­sem­bly advan­ta­ges due to their anti-fric­tion pro­per­ties.

For auto­ma­ted assem­bly, the coa­ting pro­vi­des smooth fee­ding. Some of the coa­tings are also sui­ta­ble for dyna­mic app­li­ca­ti­ons.

Food com­pa­ti­ble ver­si­ons and ver­si­ons free of any sub­s­tan­ces that inter­fe­re with paint wet­ting round off the adap­ta­bi­li­ty of the­se O‑rings to spe­cial requi­re­ments.

Manoy­Coat® 101

  • Sur­face coa­ting on elas­to­mer parts with restric­tions at sili­co­ne
  • For redu­ced fric­tion in use
  • Easier assem­bly and sepa­ra­ti­on with restric­tions with gases
  • Coat thic­k­ness approx. 2–8 µm
  • With UV indi­ca­tor (visi­ble under UV light)
  • PWIS-free ver­si­on pos­si­ble on request

Manoy­Coat® 103

  • Sur­face coa­ting on elas­to­mer parts with restric­tions at sili­co­ne
  • For easier assem­bly and sepa­ra­ti­on
  • Coat thic­k­ness approx. 2–8 µm
  • Sui­ta­ble for con­tact with food­s­tuffs (FDA-com­pli­ant)
  • PWIS-free ver­si­on pos­si­ble on request

Manoy­Coat® 105

  • Elastic sur­face coa­ting on elas­to­mer parts with restric­tions at sili­co­ne
  • For easier assem­bly and sepa­ra­ti­on
  • Coat thic­k­ness approx. 2–8 µm
  • With UV indi­ca­tor (visi­ble under UV light)
  • PWIS-free ver­si­on pos­si­ble on request

Manoy­Coat® 106

  • Sur­face coa­ting on elas­to­mer parts with restric­tions at sili­co­ne
  • For easier assem­bly and sepa­ra­ti­on
  • Coat thic­k­ness approx. 2–8 µm
  • With UV indi­ca­tor (visi­ble under UV light)
  • PWIS-free ver­si­on pos­si­ble on request

Manoy­Coat® 110

  • Sur­face coa­ting on elas­to­mer parts with restric­tions at sili­co­ne
  • For easier assem­bly and sepa­ra­ti­on
  • Coat thic­k­ness 2–8 µm
  • With UV indi­ca­tor (visi­ble under UV light)
  • PWIS-free ver­si­on pos­si­ble on request

Manoy­Coat® 112

  • Sur­face coa­ting on elas­to­mer parts with restric­tions at sili­co­ne
  • For redu­ced fric­tion in use
  • Easier assem­bly and sepa­ra­ti­on
  • Coat thic­k­ness approx. 2–8 µm
  • With UV indi­ca­tor (visi­ble under UV light)
  • PWIS-free ver­si­on pos­si­ble on request