MANOY® Shaft Wiper Seal

Type 916

MANOY® Shaft Wiper Seal

Type 956

MANOY® Shaft Wiper Seal

Type 966

MANOY® Shaft Wiper Seal

Type 988


inner sealing inner sealing inner sealing inner sealing
Motion Motion Motion Motion
linear, static linear, rotary, partially static linear, rotary, partially static linear, rotary, partially static
Direction of pressure Direction of pressure Direction of pressure Direction of pressure
unidirectional unidirectional unidirectional bidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) Operating pressure (MPa) Operating pressure (MPa)
0,2 0,2 0,2
Linear speed (m/s) Linear speed (m/s) Linear speed (m/s) Linear speed (m/s)
15 10 10 10
Rotary speed (m/s) Rotary speed (m/s) Rotary speed (m/s)
3 3 3
Diameter range (mm) Diameter range (mm) Diameter range (mm) Diameter range (mm)
6 to 3000 8 to 500 8 to 500 10 to 500
Housing Housing Housing Housing
(from 25 mm Ø)



Type 916 inner sealing
Motion linear, static
Direction of pressure unidirectional
Linear speed (m/s) 15
Diameter range (mm) 6 to 3000
Housing non-split
(from 25 mm Ø)
Type 956 inner sealing
Motion linear, rotary, partially static
Direction of pressure unidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 0,2
Linear speed (m/s) 10
Rotary speed (m/s) 3
Diameter range (mm) 8 to 500
Housing split
Type 966 inner sealing
Motion linear, rotary, partially static
Direction of pressure unidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 0,2
Linear speed (m/s) 10
Rotary speed (m/s) 3
Diameter range (mm) 8 to 500
Housing split
Type 988 inner sealing
Motion linear, rotary, partially static
Direction of pressure bidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 0,2
Linear speed (m/s) 10
Rotary speed (m/s) 3
Diameter range (mm) 10 to 500
Housing split


  • Uni­ver­sal use for line­ar, heli­cal, rota­ry and oscil­la­ting moti­on
  • At mode­ra­te rota­ry speed it can also be used as a shaft seal 
  • Par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for non-stan­dard hydrau­lic and pneu­ma­tic cylin­ders and app­li­ca­ti­ons in gene­ral mecha­ni­cal and plant engi­nee­ring


  • Good wiping/scraping effect 
  • Wide flu­id and tem­pe­ra­tu­re spec­trum
  • Full dry run­ning pos­si­ble – low bre­a­ka­way tor­que, no stick-slip effect at craw­ling speed
  • Adap­tati­on to housing spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons with non-stan­dard dimen­si­ons is nor­mal­ly pos­si­ble
  • With rota­ry moti­on (shaft seal), com­pen­sa­tes for radi­al run­out and tilt (varia­ble spring design)
  • For rota­ry, oscil­la­ting and slow advan­ce heli­cal moti­on

Type 916 is not sui­ta­ble for pres­su­re app­li­ca­ti­on.


Type 916:

From ‑54 to +200 °C (tem­pora­ri­ly +260 °C)

Depen­dent on the wiper/scraper and O‑ring mate­ri­al in each case.

Types 956, 966 and 988:

From ‑200 to +200 °C (tem­pora­ri­ly to 260 °C)

Depen­dent on the wiper/scraper and spring mate­ri­al in each case.


Types 956, 966 and 988:

IDG wiper/scraper mate­ri­al
For pre­do­mi­nant­ly line­ar moti­on

  • 91B (pneu­ma­tics)
  • 62A (water hydrau­lics)

For pri­ma­ri­ly rota­ry moti­on

  • 32B

Spring mate­ri­al

  • IDG mate­ri­al R43 (stain­less steel, mate­ri­al No. 1.4310)

Clam­ping slee­ve mate­ri­al

  • M52 (St 52–3)
  • M41 (stain­less steel, mate­ri­al No. 1.4301)

Mate­ri­al descrip­ti­on and other mate­ri­als for wider app­li­ca­ti­ons FIND OUT MORE >

Wiper/scraper cross­sec­tions in alter­na­ti­ve ver­si­ons

The stan­dard ver­si­on is uni­ver­sal­ly usable, but in spe­cial cases the light ver­si­on can offer addi­tio­nal advan­ta­ges.
The light ver­si­on is sui­ta­ble for tight instal­la­ti­on con­di­ti­ons and is also easier to fit in non-split groo­ves.
This ver­si­on redu­ces the fric­tion. The low com­pres­si­on reser­ve with a nega­ti­ve effect on lar­ge tole­ran­ces must be con­si­de­red.