IDG-Dich­tungs­tech­nik GmbH
Carl-Benz-Stras­se 9
73095 Albers­hau­sen
Pho­ne +49 7161 65317–0

Mana­ging Direc­tor:
Aron Olbrich

Com­mer­ci­al Regis­ter:
District Court of Ulm, HRB 747761

VAT iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on num­ber:
DE 145 928 282

Respon­si­ble for con­tent accord­ing to § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Aron Olbrich

In spi­te of inten­si­ve tes­ting on our side, we recom­mend you con­duct your own preli­mi­na­ry tests.

Copy­right and Trade­marks
All rights reser­ved. The con­tent and works on the­se pages like text, images, gra­phics and vide­os are pro­tec­ted by copy­right and other com­mer­ci­al pro­tec­tive rights. MANOY®, Manoy­Coat®, Manoy­De­tect® and Manoy­Per­flu­or® are regis­te­red trade­marks. The con­tent of the­se web­sites may not be copied, dis­se­mi­na­ted or made acces­si­ble to third par­ties for com­mer­ci­al pur­po­ses. Sub­ject to tech­ni­cal chan­ge. Errors excep­ted. IDG-Dich­tungs­tech­nik assu­mes no lia­bi­li­ty for links to exter­nal web­sites.

Con­cept, design and rea­li­za­ti­on
Ani­mo­ti­on Media GmbH & Co. KG