MANOY® Sliding Ring

Type 555


inner sealing
linear, partially rotary, partially static
Direction of pressure
unidirectional, bidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa)
Linear speed (m/s)
Diameter range (mm)
6 to 200
(from 20 mm Ø)
Type 555 inner sealing
Motion linear, partially rotary, partially static
Direction of pressure unidirectional, bidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 30
Linear speed (m/s) 5
Diameter range (mm) 6 to 200
Housing non-split
(from 20 mm Ø)


This type has not­ches becau­se of its low height and for a sen­si­ti­ve respon­se. This gives ade­qua­te cleana­bi­li­ty.


  • Low brea­k­out force — even after long shut­down 
  • Long life due to high abra­si­on resis­tan­ce 
  • Dry run­ning pos­si­ble 
  • Sym­metri­cal design for instal­la­ti­on inde­pen­dent of pres­su­re direc­tion 
  • Free choice of dia­me­ter bet­ween 8 and 200 mm


From ‑40 to +200 °C

but depen­dent on the sli­ding ring and O‑ring mate­ri­al in each case.
Ice crys­tal for­ma­ti­on must be avoi­ded.


IDG sli­ding ring mate­ri­al

  • 31K redu­ced fric­tion, medi­um abra­si­on resis­tan­ce
  • 91F low fric­tion, redu­ced abra­si­on resis­tan­ce
  • H13 high abra­si­on resis­tan­ce, Tmax = 80°C

O‑ring elas­to­mer

  • EPDM13
  • FKM13

Mate­ri­al descrip­ti­on and other mate­ri­als for wider app­li­ca­ti­ons FIND OUT MORE >

Hygie­nic design

Design of the housing in the form of a groo­ve should be avoi­ded if pos­si­ble. If this is not fea­si­ble, good housing and seal cleana­bi­li­ty must be gua­ran­te­ed.

The hygie­nic design requi­re­ments can be met by having a par­ti­cu­lar­ly lar­ge groo­ve base radi­us, avoi­ding not­ches and having a split housing.

For WIP/WOP clea­ning it is important to be able to remo­ve and replace the seal wit­hout dama­ging it.

Given a sui­ta­ble machi­ne design, clea­ning in place is also pos­si­ble.