MANOY® AS Dosing Piston

Type DK

MANOY® Lip Piston

Type DL


SIP outer sealing SIP outer sealing
Motion Motion
linear linear
Direction of pressure Direction of pressure
unidirectional unidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) Operating pressure (MPa)
0,5 3
Linear speed (m/s) Linear speed (m/s)
3 3
Diameter range (mm) Diameter range (mm)
12 to 70 15 to 200
Housing Housing


Type DK SIP outer sealing
Motion linear
Direction of pressure unidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 0,5
Linear speed (m/s) 3
Diameter range (mm) 12 to 70
Housing split
Type DL SIP outer sealing
Motion linear
Direction of pressure unidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 3
Linear speed (m/s) 3
Diameter range (mm) 15 to 200
Housing split


Dosing pis­ton for use in dosers for filling/ bott­ling of food­s­tuffs in liquid to pas­te form


  • All the func­tions – pumping/displacing, scra­ping and sealing – are com­bi­ned in a sin­gle com­po­nent 
  • The inte­gral con­struc­tion pro­vi­des a com­ple­te­ly smooth sur­face wit­hout gaps 
  • Wide pro­duct and tem­pe­ra­tu­re spec­trum
  • PTFE com­po­und ver­si­on for SIP (Ste­ri­li­za­ti­on In Place) pro­ces­ses, not sui­ta­ble for high­ly abra­si­ve pro­duc­ts 
  • Low fric­tion 
  • Avail­ab­le in any dia­me­ter from 12 mm to 70 mm (lar­ger dia­me­ters on request)

Advan­ta­ges Lip Pis­ton

  • Signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ved cleana­bi­li­ty com­pa­red to nor­mal sli­ding ring 
  • Easy chan­ge of wea­ring parts 
  • Hygie­ni­scher O‑Ring Ein­bau­raum in Anleh­nung an DIN 11864


From +5 to +150 °C.

Extre­me alter­na­ting tem­pe­ra­tures during the fil­ling ope­ra­ti­on should be avoi­ded due to ther­mal expan­si­on of the plastic.


IDG mate­ri­al

  • 26A stan­dard mate­ri­al
  • 31K lower fric­tion, redu­ced abra­si­on resis­tan­ce

Mate­ri­al descrip­ti­on and other mate­ri­als for wider app­li­ca­ti­ons FIND OUT MORE >


Design infor­ma­ti­on for housings with auto­ma­tic clea­ning

For SIP (Ste­ri­li­za­ti­on In Place), the MANOY® AS dosing pis­ton is fed into the washing hole, which must be desi­gned so that the pis­ton has suf­fi­ci­ent expan­si­on capa­ci­ty during SIP at +140°C to avo­id dama­ging its func­tio­n­a­li­ty and shor­ten­ing its life.

After the clea­ning pro­cess the MANOY® AS dosing pis­ton may only be moved into the dosing hole when a tem­pe­ra­tu­re clo­se to the ope­ra­ting tem­pe­ra­tu­re (ope­ra­ting tem­pe­ra­tu­re +20 °C), and not to exceed +80°C, has been reached.

A feed cone into the dosing hole of 10° max. and roun­ded edges are essen­ti­al.