MANOY® Bearing Ring

Type FGB

turned, splitted version
MANOY® Bearing Ring

Type FMB

MANOY® Bearing Ring

Type FUB

turned version


outer bearing outer bearing outer bearing
Motion Motion Motion
linear, partially rotary linear, partially rotary linear, rotary
Diameter range (mm) Diameter range (mm) Diameter range (mm)
6 to 3000 10 to 3000 6 to 3000
Housing Housing Housing
(from 6 mm Ø)
(from 10 mm Ø)
(from 20 mm Ø)
Type FGB outer bearing
Motion linear, partially rotary
Diameter range (mm) 6 to 3000
Housing non-split
(from 6 mm Ø)
Type FMB outer bearing
Motion linear, partially rotary
Diameter range (mm) 10 to 3000
Housing non-split
(from 10 mm Ø)
Type FUB outer bearing
Motion linear, rotary
Diameter range (mm) 6 to 3000
Housing non-split
(from 20 mm Ø)


Typi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons are:

  • Hydrau­lic and pneu­ma­tic cylin­ders
  • Pres­ses
  • Shock absor­bers
  • Fit­tings
  • Con­trols
  • Pis­ton and plun­ger pumps
  • Mobi­le hydrau­lics
  • Injec­tion units


  • Pre­vents com­pon­ents in rela­ti­ve move­ment having con­tact or striking one ano­t­her 
  • Wide tem­pe­ra­tu­re, speed and flu­id resis­tan­ce ran­ges 
  • Low coef­fi­ci­ent of fric­tion – no stick-slip effect, even at craw­ling speed 
  • Good fail-safe cha­rac­te­ris­tics – full dry run­ning is pos­si­ble with some mate­ri­als
  • Mating sur­faces are smoot­hed – impro­ving the con­di­ti­ons for the bea­ring ring and seals 
  • Instal­la­ti­on in non-split groo­ves is pos­si­ble 
  • Housings com­ply­ing with ISO 10766 
  • Stan­dard cross-sec­tions, but also free choice of pro­fi­le 
  • Free choice of dia­me­ter for the solid ring up to 3000 mm


From ‑200 to +200 °C

but depen­dent on the bea­ring ring mate­ri­al in each case.


IDG bea­ring ring mate­ri­al

  • 94A (oil hydrau­lics)
  • 62A (water hydrau­lics)
  • G12 (water hydrau­lics)
  • G13 (oil hydrau­lics)

Mate­ri­al descrip­ti­on and other mate­ri­als for wider app­li­ca­ti­ons FIND OUT MORE >

Arran­ge­ment examp­les