Type 656


Type 676


Type 696


inner sealing inner sealing inner sealing
Motion Motion Motion
linear, partially rotary, partially static linear, partially rotary, partially static linear, partially rotary, partially static
Direction of pressure Direction of pressure Direction of pressure
unidirectional unidirectional unidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) Operating pressure (MPa) Operating pressure (MPa)
45 30 40
Linear speed (m/s) Linear speed (m/s) Linear speed (m/s)
5 5 5
Diameter range (mm) Diameter range (mm) Diameter range (mm)
4 to 700 4 to 3000 4 to 700
Housing Housing Housing



Type 656 inner sealing
Motion linear, partially rotary, partially static
Direction of pressure unidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 45
Linear speed (m/s) 5
Diameter range (mm) 4 to 700
Housing split
Type 676 inner sealing
Motion linear, partially rotary, partially static
Direction of pressure unidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 30
Linear speed (m/s) 5
Diameter range (mm) 4 to 3000
Housing split
Type 696 inner sealing
Motion linear, partially rotary, partially static
Direction of pressure unidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 40
Linear speed (m/s) 5
Diameter range (mm) 4 to 700
Housing split


  • The MANOY® U‑Cup is a pres­su­re-activa­ted sealing sys­tem. This means that the total sealing force is only ever as high as requi­red to seal the pre­vai­ling pres­su­re. This fric­tion opti­mi­za­ti­on saves ener­gy.
  • The MANOY® U‑Cup seals gases and liquids and also high-vis­co­si­ty fluids and pas­tes in a non-stan­dard ver­si­on


  • High che­mi­cal resis­tan­ce and phy­sio­lo­gi­cal com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty 
  • Also ide­al for val­ves, fit­tings, shock absor­bers and plant and mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring
  • Snap fit­ting through the col­lar dia­me­ter (above 10 mm Ø) is pos­si­ble but should be avoi­ded. Split housings are pre­fera­ble


Type 676:

From ‑54 to +200 °C (tem­pora­ri­ly up to +260 °C)

Types 656 and 696:

From ‑100 to +200 °C (tem­pora­ri­ly up to +260 °C)

Depen­dent on the U‑Cup and O‑ring mate­ri­al in each case. Spring-loa­ded ver­si­ons are pre­fera­ble for hig­her ope­ra­ting tem­pe­ra­tu­re ran­ge spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons.


IDG U‑Cup mate­ri­al

  • 91B (pneu­ma­tics)
  • 62A (hydrau­lics)

O‑ring elas­to­mer

  • NBR
  • FKM (hig­her chemical/temperature resis­tan­ce)
  • EPDM (steam envi­ron­ments)

Spring mate­ri­al

  • IDG mate­ri­al R43 (stain­less steel, mate­ri­al No. 1.4310)

Mate­ri­al descrip­ti­on and other mate­ri­als for wider app­li­ca­ti­ons FIND OUT MORE >