MANOY® Shaft Seal

Type 251

MANOY® Shaft Seal

Type 256

MANOY® Shaft Seal

Type 261

MANOY® Shaft Seal

Type 266


outer sealing inner sealing outer sealing inner sealing
Motion Motion Motion Motion
rotary, partially static, partially linear rotary, partially static, partially linear rotary, partially static, partially linear rotary, partially static, partially linear
Direction of pressure Direction of pressure Direction of pressure Direction of pressure
unidirectional unidirectional unidirectional unidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) Operating pressure (MPa) Operating pressure (MPa) Operating pressure (MPa)
15 15 15 15
Rotary speed (m/s) Rotary speed (m/s) Rotary speed (m/s) Rotary speed (m/s)
5 5 5 5
Diameter range (mm) Diameter range (mm) Diameter range (mm) Diameter range (mm)
20 to 1000 5 to 1000 20 to 1000 5 to 1000
Housing Housing Housing Housing




Type 251 outer sealing
Motion rotary, partially static, partially linear
Direction of pressure unidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 15
Rotary speed (m/s) 5
Diameter range (mm) 20 to 1000
Housing split
Type 256 inner sealing
Motion rotary, partially static, partially linear
Direction of pressure unidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 15
Rotary speed (m/s) 5
Diameter range (mm) 5 to 1000
Housing split
Type 261 outer sealing
Motion rotary, partially static, partially linear
Direction of pressure unidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 15
Rotary speed (m/s) 5
Diameter range (mm) 20 to 1000
Housing split
Type 266 inner sealing
Motion rotary, partially static, partially linear
Direction of pressure unidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 15
Rotary speed (m/s) 5
Diameter range (mm) 5 to 1000
Housing split


  • High ther­mal or che­mi­cal spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons 
  • Medi­um pres­su­re and low speed 
  • Sui­ta­ble for almost all fluids 
  • Robot axes 
  • Rota­ry uni­ons 
  • Rota­ry actua­tors 
  • Rota­ry cylin­ders 
  • Pipe joints 
  • Val­ve spind­les 
  • Swi­vels


  • Pres­su­re-activa­ted seal ener­gi­za­ti­on 
  • Clam­ping of the flan­ge in the housing pre­vents unwan­ted rela­ti­ve moti­on
  • Ide­al for slow rota­ry, oscil­la­ting and heli­cal moti­on 
  • Dry run­ning pos­si­ble 
  • Low coef­fi­ci­ent of fric­tion 
  • Very long seal life due to high abra­si­on resis­tan­ce
  • Non-sen­si­ti­ve to pres­su­re peaks and die­sel effect 
  • No chat­ter (stick-slip) at low speed
  • Does not stick to the mating sur­face after pro­lon­ged shut­down
  • Avail­ab­le for any dia­me­ter up to 1,000 mm


From ‑100 to +200 °C (tem­pora­ri­ly +260 °C)

but depen­dent on the seal mate­ri­al in each case.


IDG seal mate­ri­al

  • 82B (hydrau­lics) up to 10 MPa
  • 32B (pneu­ma­tics) up to 15 MPa
  • 36B up to 25 MPa

Spring mate­ri­al

  • IDG mate­ri­al R43 (stain­less steel, mate­ri­al No. 1.4310)

Mate­ri­al descrip­ti­on and other mate­ri­als for wider app­li­ca­ti­ons FIND OUT MORE >

PV limits

Moti­on: Rota­ry or oscil­la­ting

Rota­ry and oscil­la­ting, non-inter­mit­tent

 Rota­ry and oscil­la­ting, inter­mit­tent
6 s motion/2 s standstill

Rota­ry and oscil­la­ting, inter­mit­tent
2 s motion/6 s standstill – slow advan­ce
heli­cal in 20:1 ratio


Flu­id: Water
Tem­pe­ra­tu­re: 95 °C max.
Shaft seal mate­ri­al: 82B