Precision O-Ring

Type OR


static sealing
static, partially linear, partially rotary
Direction of pressure
unidirectional, bidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa)
Linear speed (m/s)
Diameter range (mm)
0,4 to 1268
(from 0,4 mm Ø)
Type OR static sealing
Motion static, partially linear, partially rotary
Direction of pressure unidirectional, bidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 5
Linear speed (m/s) 0,5
Diameter range (mm) 0,4 to 1268
Housing non-split
(from 0,4 mm Ø)


The sealing action of the­se sta­tic seals is achie­ved by elastic defor­ma­ti­on of their cross-sec­tion in a housing desi­gned to DIN 11864. This type of seal is sui­ta­ble for all auto­ma­tic and manu­al clea­ning pro­ces­ses.

In food pro­ces­sing, join­ting of pipes and flan­ges always rep­res­ents a weak point in rela­ti­on to hygie­ne. The­re­fo­re asep­tic pipe joints are stan­dar­di­zed in DIN 11864.

Sealing bet­ween pipes and flan­ges

By app­ly­ing that stan­dard, it is pos­si­ble to use the groo­ve geo­me­try and groo­ve dimen­si­ons for non-stan­dard pipe or flan­ge dia­me­ters irre­spec­tive of the nomi­nal size of the pipes.

The con­struc­tion is shown oppo­si­te as “flan­ge sealing”. Becau­se the groo­ve geo­me­try is com­plex in the­se cases, this type of sta­tic seal is only spe­ci­fied for cross-sec­tion dia­me­ters of 3.5 and 5 mm.

Sealing bet­ween rods and pis­tons

To enab­le the point of con­tact bet­ween pis­ton and pis­ton rods to be sea­led on the same princip­le, a vari­ant of this seal not spe­ci­fied in the stan­dard is pos­si­ble. It is shown oppo­si­te as “pis­ton rod sealing”.

Com­pounds and coa­tings

Manoy­De­tect® – Metal detec­ta­ble mate­ri­als
In food pro­ces­sing and packa­ging indus­try app­li­ca­ti­ons Manoy­De­tect® enhan­ced mate­ri­als will allow detec­tor equip­ment to iden­ti­fy for­eign mat­ter in the pro­ces­sed mate­ri­al resul­ting from a dama­ged seal. Depen­ding on the sen­si­ti­vi­ty of the metal detec­tor fit­ted this offers a high degree of safe­ty and will pre­vent con­ta­mi­na­ti­on of the pro­ces­sed mate­ri­al.

Manoy­Coat® – Anti-fric­tion coa­ting
Manoy­Coat® coated O‑rings offer spe­cial assem­bly and dis­as­sem­bly advan­ta­ges due to their anti-fric­tion pro­per­ties. For auto­ma­ted assem­bly, the coa­ting pro­vi­des smooth fee­ding. Various coa­ting types are avail­ab­le for sta­tic app­li­ca­ti­ons (103, 105 and 110). Coa­tings 101, 102 and 106 are sui­ta­ble for O‑rings in dyna­mic app­li­ca­ti­ons.

Manoy­Per­flu­or® – For aggres­si­ve che­mi­cals
The Manoy­Per­flu­or® O‑ring com­bi­nes the typi­cal pro­per­ties of elas­to­mers with the almost uni­ver­sal resis­tan­ce of PTFE. Manoy­Per­flu­or® com­pounds are sui­ta­ble for use with aggres­si­ve che­mi­cals and vapours and at tem­pe­ra­tures up to +320 °C. Also ide­al for asep­tic app­li­ca­ti­ons.


  • Com­ple­te­ly clo­sed sur­faces wit­hout any under­cuts 
  • Sur­face easy to clean 
  • For wide pres­su­re and tem­pe­ra­tu­re ran­ges
  • For almost all liquids, pas­tes and gases
  • Easy to assemble/disassemble


From ‑130 to +320 °C

but depen­dent on the O‑ring mate­ri­al in each case.


O‑ring elas­to­mer

  • EPDM
  • FFKM
  • FKM
  • HNBR
  • NBR
  • VMQ

Mate­ri­al descrip­ti­on and other mate­ri­als for wider app­li­ca­ti­ons FIND OUT MORE >


accord­ing to ISO 3601

Covers an insi­de Ø ran­ge (d1) from 0,72 to 694 mm.
The cord Ø (d2) is gra­dua­ted in five sizes:
1,78 — 2,62 — 3,53 — 5,33 — 6,99 mm.

O‑Ringe für sta­ti­sche Anwen­dun­gen kön­nen bis zu 3 % gestaucht und bis zu 5 % gedehnt ver­wen­det wer­den.

Instal­la­ti­on infor­ma­ti­on

  • Lead-in cham­fers and roun­ded edges are requi­red for instal­la­ti­on of the O‑ring.
  • Note: The lengths given for the cham­fers dif­fer from ISO 3601 to ensu­re smooth instal­la­ti­on.
  • The O‑ring must not be pushed over sharp edges, thread crests, cross holes, key­ways or rough sur­faces.
    If this can­not be avoi­ded for struc­tu­ral rea­sons, the­se points must be cove­r­ed, e.g. with adhe­si­ve tape.
  • Do not twist the O‑ring during instal­la­ti­on and avo­id any rota­ry moti­on!
  • An uncoated pre­cisi­on O‑ring must not be stret­ched more than 100% for instal­la­ti­on.