MANOY® Shaft Seal

Type 231

MANOY® Shaft Seal

Type 233

MANOY® Shaft Seal

Type 236

MANOY® Shaft Seal

Type 238


outer sealing outer sealing inner sealing inner sealing
Motion Motion Motion Motion
rotary, partially static, partially linear rotary, partially static, partially linear rotary, partially static, partially linear rotary, partially static, partially linear
Direction of pressure Direction of pressure Direction of pressure Direction of pressure
unidirectional unidirectional, bidirectional unidirectional unidirectional, bidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) Operating pressure (MPa) Operating pressure (MPa) Operating pressure (MPa)
15 15 15 15
Rotary speed (m/s) Rotary speed (m/s) Rotary speed (m/s) Rotary speed (m/s)
3 3 3 3
Diameter range (mm) Diameter range (mm) Diameter range (mm) Diameter range (mm)
8 to 2000 8 to 2000 6 to 2000 6 to 2000
Housing Housing Housing Housing
(from 14 mm Ø)
(from 14 mm Ø)
(from 25 mm Ø)
(from 25 mm Ø)
Type 231 outer sealing
Motion rotary, partially static, partially linear
Direction of pressure unidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 15
Rotary speed (m/s) 3
Diameter range (mm) 8 to 2000
Housing non-split
(from 14 mm Ø)
Type 233 outer sealing
Motion rotary, partially static, partially linear
Direction of pressure unidirectional, bidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 15
Rotary speed (m/s) 3
Diameter range (mm) 8 to 2000
Housing non-split
(from 14 mm Ø)
Type 236 inner sealing
Motion rotary, partially static, partially linear
Direction of pressure unidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 15
Rotary speed (m/s) 3
Diameter range (mm) 6 to 2000
Housing non-split
(from 25 mm Ø)
Type 238 inner sealing
Motion rotary, partially static, partially linear
Direction of pressure unidirectional, bidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 15
Rotary speed (m/s) 3
Diameter range (mm) 6 to 2000
Housing non-split
(from 25 mm Ø)


  • Rota­ry uni­ons
  • Rota­ry actua­tors 
  • Rota­ry cylin­ders
  • Swi­vels 
  • Val­ve spind­les

Types 231 to 238 are used for lub­ri­ca­ting fluids and to a limi­ted degree also for dry run­ning and pure­ly rota­ry or oscil­la­ting moti­on. They are only part­ly sui­ta­ble for heli­cal moti­on.


  • Sys­tem pres­su­re activa­ted seal ener­gi­za­ti­on 
  • For use at low to medi­um pres­su­re at low speed 
  • Except for small dia­me­ters can be instal­led in non-split groo­ves 
  • Very long seal life due to high abra­si­on resis­tan­ce 
  • Nar­row, space saving con­struc­tion 
  • Mini­mum coef­fi­ci­ent of fric­tion 
  • No chat­ter (stick-slip) at low speed 
  • Does not stick to the mating sur­face after pro­lon­ged shut­down 
  • Avail­ab­le for any dia­me­ter up to 2,000 mm


From ‑54 to +200 °C (tem­pora­ri­ly +260 °C)

but depen­dent on the mate­ri­al of the seal and the O‑ring in each case.


IDG seal mate­ri­al

  • 82B (hydrau­lics) up to 10 MPa
  • 32B (pneu­ma­tics) up to 15 MPa
  • 36B up to 25 MPa

O‑ring elas­to­mer

  • FKM

Spe­cial mate­ri­als are used at low tem­pe­ra­tures

Mate­ri­al descrip­ti­on and other mate­ri­als for wider app­li­ca­ti­ons FIND OUT MORE >

PV limits

This dia­gram gives PV limits which should be con­si­de­red as recom­men­da­ti­ons.

For dia­me­ters S < 50 mm, the ope­ra­ting para­me­ters must be fur­ther restric­ted due to poor heat dis­si­pa­ti­on.

Prac­ti­cal preli­mi­na­ry tests are necessa­ry near the limit cur­ves and also for tem­pe­ra­tures and fluids dif­fe­rent from the ones used here.

Flu­id: Hydrau­lic oils, hydrau­lic fluids HFA and HFB
Tem­pe­ra­tu­re: 80 °C max.
Shaft seal mate­ri­al: 82B
Moti­on: Rota­ry or oscil­la­ting
Inter­mit­tent 6s:6s