MANOY® Sliding Ring

Type 540

MANOY® Sliding Ring

Type 542

MANOY® Sliding Ring

Type 543


outer sealing outer sealing outer sealing
Motion Motion Motion
linear, partially static linear, partially static linear, partially static
Direction of pressure Direction of pressure Direction of pressure
unidirectional, bidirectional unidirectional, bidirectional unidirectional, bidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) Operating pressure (MPa) Operating pressure (MPa)
10 10 10
Linear speed (m/s) Linear speed (m/s) Linear speed (m/s)
15 15 15
Diameter range (mm) Diameter range (mm) Diameter range (mm)
8 to 1000 8 to 1000 8 to 1000
Housing Housing Housing
(from 15 mm Ø)
(from 15 mm Ø)
(from 20 mm Ø)
Type 540 outer sealing
Motion linear, partially static
Direction of pressure unidirectional, bidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 10
Linear speed (m/s) 15
Diameter range (mm) 8 to 1000
Housing non-split
(from 15 mm Ø)
Type 542 outer sealing
Motion linear, partially static
Direction of pressure unidirectional, bidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 10
Linear speed (m/s) 15
Diameter range (mm) 8 to 1000
Housing non-split
(from 15 mm Ø)
Type 543 outer sealing
Motion linear, partially static
Direction of pressure unidirectional, bidirectional
Operating pressure (MPa) 10
Linear speed (m/s) 15
Diameter range (mm) 8 to 1000
Housing non-split
(from 20 mm Ø)


  • Simp­le dosing pis­ton in fil­ling and bott­ling plants 
  • Line­ar dri­ves 
  • Pneu­ma­tic pis­tons in food ser­vice


  • Type 542 with exten­ded cham­fer for easy feed into the dosing tube 
  • Type 543 with pro­fi­le for increa­sed sealing edge con­tact and scra­ping effect. Ide­al for quark and pro­duc­ts with added fruit etc.
  • Stan­dard ver­si­on wit­hout not­ches
  • Long life due to high abra­si­on resis­tan­ce 
  • Dry run­ning pos­si­ble 
  • Low brea­k­out force — even after long shut­down 
  • Sym­metri­cal design for instal­la­ti­on inde­pen­dent of pres­su­re direc­tion 
  • Free choice of dia­me­ter bet­ween 8 and 1,000 mm


From ‑40 to +200 °C

but depen­dent on the sli­ding ring and O‑ring mate­ri­al in each case.
Ice crys­tal for­ma­ti­on must be avoi­ded.


IDG sli­ding ring mate­ri­al

  • 27A stan­dard mate­ri­al, high abra­si­on resis­tan­ce
  • 31K redu­ced fric­tion, medi­um abra­si­on resis­tan­ce
  • 91F low fric­tion, redu­ced abra­si­on resis­tan­ce
  • H13 high abra­si­on resis­tan­ce, Tmax = 80°C

O‑ring elas­to­mer

  • EPDM13
  • FKM13

Mate­ri­al descrip­ti­on and other mate­ri­als for wider app­li­ca­ti­ons FIND OUT MORE >

Hygie­nic design

Design of the housing in the form of a groo­ve should be avoi­ded if pos­si­ble. If this is not fea­si­ble, good housing and seal cleana­bi­li­ty must be gua­ran­te­ed.

The hygie­nic design requi­re­ments can be met by having a par­ti­cu­lar­ly lar­ge groo­ve base radi­us, avoi­ding not­ches and having a split housing.

For WIP/WOP clea­ning it is important to be able to remo­ve and replace the seal wit­hout dama­ging it.

Given a sui­ta­ble machi­ne design, clea­ning in place is also pos­si­ble.