Screw joint

Type MVR‑S


axial sealing
Direction of pressure
Diameter range (mm)
10 to 150

Type MVR‑S axial sealing
Motion static
Direction of pressure unidirectional
Diameter range (mm) 10 to 150
Housing split


Milk pipe screw con­nec­tors are stan­dar­di­sed sealing con­nec­tions for liquid media pipes. Besi­des their use in the dai­ry indus­try, the­se pipe con­nec­tors are also used in beverage and food pro­ces­sing.

In the food indus­try, the manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess is sub­ject to hygie­nic stan­dards that must be stric­t­ly obser­ved.

Com­pon­ents expo­sed to high stres­ses requi­re spe­cial atten­ti­on. Espe­ci­al­ly in the area of milk pipe screw con­nec­tors, seals rep­re­sent a major weak point, as the­re is a risk of parts detaching from the mate­ri­al matrix due to mecha­ni­cal, che­mi­cal and/or ther­mal influ­en­ces.

In order to reli­ab­ly detect for­eign bodies, IDG-Dich­tungs­tech­nik GmbH has deve­lo­ped Manoy­De­tect®, a sealing mate­ri­al to which metal-detec­ta­ble addi­ti­ves are added. Depen­ding on the medi­um to be trans­por­ted, the sealing mate­ri­als NBR, EPDM, VMQ, FKM and PTFE are used.

Par­ti­cles of Manoy­De­tect® mate­ri­als as small as approx. 2 mm can be detec­ted by con­ven­tio­nal metal detec­tors. The results ulti­mate­ly depend on the sen­si­ti­vi­ty of the detec­tor used and the respec­tive con­di­ti­ons. IDG recom­mends the rele­vant func­tio­n­al tests.

Manoy­De­tect® mate­ri­als meet the food regu­la­ti­ons accord­ing to the FDA, the 3‑A Sani­ta­ry Stan­dards, or EU 1935/2004 sub­ject to the mate­ri­al group and com­po­un­ding, and are sui­ta­ble for the tem­pe­ra­tu­re ran­ge from 60°C to +200°C depen­ding on the mate­ri­al group, com­po­und for­mu­la­ti­on and ambi­ent con­di­ti­ons.


  • High hygie­nic stan­dard
  • For extre­me tem­pe­ra­tures


From ‑60 to +200 °C

but depen­dent on the mate­ri­al selec­tion of the milk pipe sealing ring in indi­vi­du­al cases.


Mate­ri­als for milk pipe sealing rings

  • FKM
  • NBR
  • HNBR

Mate­ri­al descrip­ti­on and other mate­ri­als for wider app­li­ca­ti­ons FIND OUT MORE >