Indi­vi­du­al sealing solu­ti­ons direc­t­ly from the manu­fac­tu­rer

IDG-Dich­tungs­tech­nik GmbH is one of the pioneers of modern sealing tech­no­lo­gy based on PTFE mate­ri­al com­pounds. Ever sin­ce its foun­da­ti­on in 1971, the com­pa­ny has con­cen­tra­ted on the design, deve­lop­ment, manu­fac­tu­re and sale of seals and ana­lo­gous struc­tu­ral com­pon­ents.

Many of the design con­cepts which are now fami­li­ar are based on deve­lop­ments or inno­va­ti­ve ide­as by IDG-Dich­tungs­tech­nik GmbH. Apart from the design of the seal pro­files, it is the mate­ri­als which are the main focus of ongo­ing pro­duct main­ten­an­ce and inno­va­ti­on.

Tech­no­lo­gy Cent­re

IDG-Dich­tungs­tech­nik GmbH sees its­elf as a tech­no­lo­gy cent­re for inno­va­ti­ve high and ultra-high per­for­mance seals. As a deve­lo­per and manu­fac­tu­rer, IDG con­cen­tra­tes its com­pe­tence on seals who­se mate­ri­als are main­ly based on poly­te­tra­fluo­roethy­le­ne (PTFE).

IDG uses the brand name of MANOY® for all pro­duc­ts con­struc­ted on the basis of its own com­pounds.

Pro­duct Pro­gram­me

The IDG pro­duct pro­gram­me com­pri­ses seals, O‑rings and bea­ring ele­ments for all stan­dard indus­tri­al app­li­ca­ti­ons. IDG seals come in ver­si­ons com­pli­ant with DIN/ISO as well as with ‘indus­try stan­dards’ that have been deve­lo­ped on the mar­ket and at IDG.

Spe­cial Con­struc­tions

Ano­t­her focus of our activi­ties lies on the adap­ti­ve design and manu­fac­tu­re of seals and sealing ele­ments for spe­cial requi­re­ments. Spe­cial seals are often nee­ded becau­se of the dimen­si­ons of exis­ting groo­ves in older con­struc­tions.

Spe­cial Seals

IDG offers the excep­tio­nal ser­vice of deve­lo­ping high-per­for­mance, custo­mer-spe­ci­fic seals for com­plex sets of requi­re­ments on an indi­vi­du­al basis. In this we are hel­ped by, among other things, our wide-ran­ging expe­ri­ence with very spe­cial MANOY® mate­ri­al com­pounds.

Indus­try-Spe­ci­fic Seals

Food pro­ces­sing tech­no­lo­gy and hydroelec­tric engi­nee­ring place very spe­cial demands on seals. Stan­dar­di­sed indus­tri­al seals are usual­ly unsui­ta­ble for a varie­ty of rea­sons.
In deve­lo­ping indus­try-spe­ci­fic sealing tech­no­lo­gies, IDG-Dich­tungs­tech­nik GmbH demons­tra­tes the inno­va­ti­ve power of this medi­um-sized com­pa­ny.


IDG-Dich­tungs­tech­nik ope­ra­tes several cer­ti­fied pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties for the manu­fac­tu­re of seals and machi­ne com­pon­ents from IDG mate­ri­als at the hig­hest level of pro­duc­tion.
The avai­la­bi­li­ty of a high level of spe­ci­fic manu­fac­tu­ring skills ensu­res sup­ply fle­xi­bi­li­ty and con­ti­nuous qua­li­ty impro­ve­ment.