Mate­ri­als with Manoy­De­tect®

Elas­to­mer or plastic sealing ele­ments and also ele­ments made of com­po­si­te mate­ri­als (elas­to­mer + plastic or metal) can be com­po­un­ded with metal detec­ta­ble addi­ti­ves.

App­li­ca­ti­on examp­le Manoy® DL bush Type 510
Con­sis­ting of:
O‑ring ener­gi­zer, IDG mate­ri­al NBR43, Manoy­De­tect®
DL bush, IDG mate­ri­al H43, Manoy­De­tect®

Tem­pe­ra­tu­re ran­ges

Depen­ding on the mate­ri­al group, com­po­und type and ambi­ent con­di­ti­ons Manoy­De­tect® mate­ri­als are sui­ta­ble for tem­pe­ra­tu­re ran­ges from ‑60 °C to +200 °C or +250 °C.

Even minis­cu­le par­ti­cles can be detec­ted

Mecha­ni­cal, che­mi­cal and/or ther­mal fac­tors may cau­se par­ti­cles to migra­te from the seal mate­ri­al matrix.

To avo­id con­ta­mi­na­ti­on of the hand­led mate­ri­al the Manoy­De­tect® ver­si­on should be pre­fer­red for sus­cep­ti­ble sealing ele­ments.

Stan­dard metal detec­tors will detect par­ti­cles from Manoy­De­tect® mate­ri­als as small as ca. 2 mm.
Actu­al results, though, will depend on metal detec­tor sen­si­ti­vi­ty and spe­ci­fic ope­ra­ting con­di­ti­ons and cons­traints. IDG advi­ses sui­ta­ble tes­ting.

Con­forms to food regu­la­ti­ons

Depen­ding on their mate­ri­al group and com­po­un­ding Manoy­De­tect® mate­ri­als meet all the rele­vant FDA, 3A Sani­ta­ry Stan­dard and EU 1935/2004 requi­re­ments.